
This is the one skincare brand I always come back to


缝隙清洁剂和两个保湿剂坐在浴室水槽上。 学分:审核 /贝西·戈德瓦瑟(Betsey Goldwasser)


成为一个美丽editor,,,,I can get overwhelmed by the amount of makeup and skincare items that come in and out of my life. I’ll test one skincare line, move onto the next, and sprinkle new makeup on top of my routine regularly. Don’t get me wrong: Trying new products still gets my heart pumping, but I crave a straightforward regimen in the times that I'm not testing what’s hot and upcoming. And ever since my dermatologist sent me home with samples of Cerave to combat the excessive dryness caused by the acne medication I was taking years ago, that’s the brand I keep coming back to for its no-fuss simplicity.

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Why do I love Cerave?

学分:审核 /贝西·戈德瓦瑟(Betsey Goldwasser)


当我的皮肤是irritated from using a retinoidorbreaking out由于激素,我相信Cerave的产品不会增加受伤的侮辱。实际上,我指望他们help我当下的皮肤困扰,无论它们可能是什么。整个产品线上的共同线是包含三个神经酰胺(在皮肤最外层的脂质),这有助于补充皮肤屏障。增强皮肤屏障对于防止细菌和微生物可能损害皮肤。每种产品都是无香料的,并声称“不侵蚀”。大多数产品也是非孔子的,这意味着它们不会堵塞毛孔。



学分:审核 /贝西·戈德瓦瑟(Betsey Goldwasser)


This cleanser is labeled as being for normal to dry skin, which is also how I define my skin. For years after my six-month course of Accutane at age 18, my skin was dry, but it’s since balanced itself out, returning to a "normal" baseline with some dryness in the colder months. The Hydrating Facial Cleanser contains透明质酸,除了神经酰胺外,还可以帮助皮肤保留水的保湿成分。它具有稀薄的奶油质地,使我的皮肤看起来和感觉更干净,但没有s虫,吱吱作响的清洁感,感觉其他洗面奶。我可以用这种清洁剂,包括在我的眼睛区域或痤疮的斑点上按摩脸部,并且不会感到任何刺痛。就是这样温柔的。由于这个原因,我一次又一次地推荐给我个人生活中的人们和个人。我无法想象这种洗脸甚至最敏感的皮肤。

My only minor complaint is that this gentle cleanser will only remove traces of makeup—a little bit of under-eyeconcealer还有一些睫毛膏,,,,let’s say—so I typically use theGarnier Skinactive胶束清洗水和棉花圆,首先去化妆。

Get the Cerave Hydrating Facial Cleanser on Amazon for $13.11


学分:审核 /贝西·戈德瓦瑟(Betsey Goldwasser)

Cerave Daily保湿乳液具有轻巧,薄的稠度。

Like the cleanser, this contains ceramides and hyaluronic acid. It has a thin consistency that seems to keep spreading as you massage it into your skin, so a little bit of this goes a long way. I recommend starting with a dime-sized amount and rubbing that into the face and neck and, if you feel like you need more moisture, applying a second coat anywhere you want it once the lotion has started to absorb.

这可以很好地层次,在血清或乳霜治疗(我使用处方类视黄蛋白霜)上,并在几分钟后浸泡。它也可以在化妆下创造健康,光滑的基础。(我尝试了更厚眼霜but my concealer has never gone on smoother than when I’ve used this!) I love this lotion for the warmer months when my skin leans more normal than dry, but it can easily work on normal to oily skin year-round or be layered on dry skin for more moisture.

Get the Cerave Daily Moisturizing Lotion on Amazon for $17.78


学分:审核 /贝西·戈德瓦瑟(Betsey Goldwasser)

The Cerave Moisturizing Cream has a thick consistency to moisturize dry skin.

当我的皮肤是very dry, Irelyon this cream. It also contains hyaluronic acid and ceramides and it has a thick texture that still blends easily into the skin. I slather a dollop of this onto my face and down my neck and chest during the winter months and let it work its magic. Without fail, this leaves my skin well-moisturized.

您会在一个大浴缸中看到这种保湿霜,您可以在没有泵的情况下购买。因为我主要将其用于我的脸,所以我选择了旅行大小的管,,,,which provides a comparable amount of full-sized moisturizers from other brands. This way, I can keep it in the drawer of my vanity and pack it with me anywhere I go. (It was a lifesaver during a January trip to Las Vegas when the desert climate left my skin itchy and irritated.) Regardless of what’s going on with my skin or how my routine changes (think: swapping serums and adding an eye cream), this is a product I’ve come back to time and time again to top of my skincare routine.

Get the Cerave Moisturizing Cream on Amazon for $11.99


学分:审核 /贝西·戈德瓦瑟(Betsey Goldwasser)

Regardless of your skin type or concern, Cerave has products for you.

毫无疑问,是的。如果您不确定在皮肤上使用什么,无论您的皮肤类型或状况如何,请转向Cerave。该品牌具有包含成分的产品salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide for treating acne,,,,SPF保护太阳,,,,视黄醇和维生素C用于抗衰老,,,,and more. You can also shop by product type: cleansers, moisturizers, eye creams, serums, and ointments, to name a few. Many of the products receive thousands of reviews on Amazon, too, telling me that I’m not the only one who swears by the line. Whether you’re just starting a skincare routine or looking to change yours up, Cerave is the place to start.

Shop all Cerave products on Amazon
