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  • What To Look For When Buying A Refrigerator

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  • Other Counter-Depth Fridges We Tested

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There's plenty of fridge space.
Credit: Reviewed / Jonathan Chan

There's plenty of fridge space.

What To Look For When Buying A Refrigerator

If your refrigerator just died, chances are that you're in a hurry to replace it. When looking for a new or replacement refrigerator, consider the following topics carefully before buy.


没有人愿意花成百上千的痛单位lars on a refrigerator that can't keep your food cold. Preserving your food is the most important facet of ourrefrigerator testing methodology; we gather temperature data in the fridge and freezer, and humidity data from the veggie bin to make sure every fridge can hit and maintain temperatures and humidity values best suited for keeping your food fresh. If you're out shopping for a refrigerator at a store, be sure to ask the sales associate about the refrigerator's cooling abilities. Additionally, you can look through ourrefrigerator reviewsand ourrefrigerator roundupsto see which refrigerators did the best when it comes to maintaining the right environment for your cold foods and beverages.

Your Refrigerator Cutout

If you're replacing a fridge with a very specific cutout (usually surrounded by countertops and/or cabinetry), measure your cutout carefully—it's not unheard of for consumers to buy a beautiful new fridge, only to have to return it because it's too large for the cutout. Measure the height, width, and depth of the cutout multiple times, then be sure to leave at least one to two inches between the top of the fridge and above-fridge cabinetry, as well as a couple inches between the back of the fridge and the wall. Leaving those extra inches behind the refrigerator is especially helpful for the fridge's air circulation.

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Lastly, when looking at the depth of your cutout, be sure to account for the depths of the fridge doors. If the distance your fridge sticks out from your cabinetry is not as wide as the thickness of the refrigerator doors, then you might not be able to open the fridge doors all the way.

Through-Door Water and Ice Dispensers

When looking for through-door ice and water dispensers, be sure to check out the number of ice types available in that fridge—if you're an ice connoisseur, then you may want more than just cubed ice. Other ice options include crushed ice and cylindrical ice. Additionally, some of the more expensive refrigerators have additional dispensing options, such ashot water dispensersor abuilt-in Keurig pod coffee maker.

In lieu of through-door water dispensing, some fridges offerbuilt-in water pitchersthat fill automatically orinterior water dispensers, in addition tointerior ice makers.

Storage Options

The most basic storage options include built-in shelves in the fridge, one or two crisper bins, and some shelving options on the fridge's doors. When it comes to extra storage, though, the possibilities are endless. In addition to moving shelves to different heights in the refrigerator, some shelves canflip uporretract; somedoor bins can slide and expand.

Some fridges havedoor-in-door storage, which allows you to access popular fridge items without opening the whole refrigerator door. French door fridges often have the most extra storage options, including anextra drawer, temperature-controlleddeli/pantry drawersthat can be set for specific fridge temperatures,pocket storage冰箱的底部,让easy access for kids, or a fourth compartment/drawer that can be set tofridgeorfreezertemperatures.


If the prospect of using less water and energy is appealing to you, consider theEnergy Starrating for a refrigerator for an idea of what your utility bills might look like. Typically, the more complicated your fridge (in features and design), the more energy it uses. In our experience, it's not alotmore than your more basic fridges, but it can add up over time. Only you can decide if the added convenience is worth the increase in running costs.

Fit and Finish

While black and white refrigerators finishes are still available, most refrigerators these days come in some variation of stainless steel options. You should be able to find a refrigerator that matches your kitchen setup and your other appliances, but be ready to pay more money for any finish more sophisticated than black, white, or basic stainless steel.


Don't worry: Whetheryou're on a budgetor havea blank check, you can find a fridge that will keep your food and beverages at the right temperature. Mostly, the price difference between high-end refrigerators and more affordable fridges is usually down to the number of available features, storage options, and finishes.

How We Tested

The Testers

Hi there! We're Reviewed's appliance testing team. Between the three of us (Jon Chan, Kyle Hamilton, and Julia MacDougall), we've spent many years testing major appliances includingwashers,dryers,refrigerators,dishwashers,vacuum cleaners, androbot vacuum cleaners.

We have plenty of experience testing these products in the lab, but we've also used them as normal people would in the course of their daily lives, which means that we have a great sense for what appliances are bargains at their price points, and which appliances have really useful extra features (as opposed to the kitchen-sink approach to features).

与所有this in mind, you can feel confident that when we recommend a product, we're giving it our Reviewed stamp of approval, which means two things: firstly, this appliance performs well, and secondly, this appliance is easy to use. We're always reviewing new products, so stay tuned for our reviews and roundups of the latest products in laundry, refrigerators, dishwashers, and vacuum cleaners.

At first glance, most refrigerators don't look like anything special. All they have to do is keep your food and beverages from going bad, right? It turns out that there's a lot more to these big, heavy, cold boxes than meets the eye, and between our specially calibrated refrigerator lab and our rigorous testing standards, the testers and writers at Reviewed can recommend specific fridge models, and back up those recommendations with hard data and personal experience.

The Refrigerator Test Lab

We keep our fridge lab under strict temperature and humidity conditions.
Credit: Julia MacDougall

Just by living in the real world, you've probably noticed that appliances operate best in certain temperature conditions. Because an appliance involves a number of electronic and mechanical parts working together in harmony, the air in your home can inhibit certain parts from working at their best, especially in extremely hot or cold climates.

Refrigerators in particular can be very sensitive to the ambient air conditions. To make a long story short, refrigerators pull in air and cool it down to temperatures cold enough (usually around 37°F) to preserve food and inhibit bacteria growth. In hot weather, the condenser and cooling coils have to work harder to cool the warmer air. In cold weather, the fridge struggles to operate in general. This is why, if you happen to have a second fridge in your burning hot or freezing cold garage, you may have noticed that the air inside that fridge is not as cold as the air inside your kitchen fridge.

To mitigate these possible temperature effects, we test each refrigerator in a special lab that conditions the air to a temperature of 72°F +/- 5°F, and a relative humidity of 50% RH +/- 15% RH (basically, room temperature). This way, each fridge can get the chance to perform at its best, and doesn't get inadvertently penalized for having to deal with warmer or colder air than its competitors experienced.

The Tests

The temperature in the refrigerator over time.
Credit: Reviewed

Over the course of a week (including a day for calibration), we put each refrigerator through its paces. After filling the fridge up with water ballast (since fridges operate better when there's less empty space, we measure the fridge's temperature, humidity loss, freezing time, usable space, and energy use.

Temperature——我们的理想蛋彩画ture settings for the fridge and the freezer are 37°F and 0°F, respectively. With fridge temperatures higher than 37°F, you might have to start worrying about bacteria growth, as 40°F is the start of the bacteria"danger zone". Freezer temperatures warmer than 0°F mean that the food isn't being truly frozen. Once we set each fridge to those temperatures, we collect temperature data throughout the week's testing that tells us not only how close the temperature in the fridge and freezer are to 37°F and 0°F, respectively, but how close the air temperaturestayedto those ideal values.

Humidity Loss— For this test, we focus on the refrigerator's veggie crisper. We add water to afloral foamball, and then record how much of the water is evaporated away each day. Humidity loss rates are important because if the crisper is too dry, your leafy greens will dry out very quickly. If the crisper is too humid, then your fruits will rot. Fridges that can strike a balance between these two extremes will help you to preserve your fruits and veggies for as long as possible.

Freezing Time— Once the fridge is plugged in, we measure the time it takes for the freezer to cool down from room temperature to 32°F (the freezing temperature of water). This is a good measure of how quickly your fridge and freezer can cool down food or beverages that have just been placed inside the refrigerator.

Usable Space— One of the most common refrigerator specs is the storage capacity, or the volume of the inside of the fridge, in cubic feet. You'd think that a higher capacity means that you can fit more in that fridge, but that's not always the case. We measure theusable space, which is how much empty space is actually available in the fridge's interior. Any number of things can reduce the usable space in a fridge—the ice bucket and/or ice maker, a water filter, air filters, shelf arrangement, etc. The closer the usable space value is to the fridge's stated storage capacity, the more food you can fit in your refrigerator.

Energy Use— Using an electric meter, we measure the fridge's energy usage (in Watt hours) over the week of testing. The less energy used, the more efficient that fridge is, and the more money it'll safe you on utility bills in the future.

We also use each fridge in a more casual sense so that we can answer usability questions about the fridge's specs and features, like the doors, shelves, controls, water/ice dispenser, and extras like smart connectivity, door-in-door or flexible storage options, etc. If a refrigerator keeps the the temperature at a perfect 37°F, but it's very difficult to open the doors and the control panel makes no sense, we're going to penalize that fridge with respect to its ease of use.

We test each fridge from two perspectives—first, from a data-driven objective point of view, and second, as a regular person trying to get at the leftover Chinese food. The combination of these two types of experiences allows us to recommend the best fridge for you at any price point.

Other Counter-Depth Fridges We Tested

Samsung RF23J9011SR

TheSamsung RF23J9011SRfrench-door fridge is all about customizability. Its unique four-door design is bound to be a great conversation piece when guests enter your kitchen. The upper two doors open to reveal the usual shelf configuration that comes with a french-door refrigerator, but the bottom two doors are more reminiscent of a side-by-side fridge, with separate compartments for each door. The bottom left door is a freezer, and depending on your food preservation needs, the bottom right section can be either a fridge or a freezer.

In additional to those useful features, this refrigerator also runs efficiently, and can maintain cool temperatures when and where you need them. Between its intriguing looks and solid performance, you won't regret buying the Samsung RF23J9011SR.


  • Unique four-door design

  • Flexible temperature area


  • Limited freezer space

Haier HRF15N3AGS

Do you love the look and functionality of french-door refrigerators, but don't have the space to actually fit one in your kitchen? We have just the fridge for you: theHaier HRF15N3AGS. As a counter-depth fridge, this model is considerably narrower and shallower than most french-door fridges; while that means you'll be able to fit it in a smaller kitchen, that also means you'll be able to fit less food in the fridge in the first place.

Because it's compact, the fridge itself is pretty bare-bones. There's no ice maker or water dispenser, and the shelves aren't very adjustable. The cooling on this fridge is top notch, though, and it easily maintained fridge and freezer temperatures of 37°F and 0°F throughout our week of testing. If you don't need a lot of extra features, and want to make the most of a relatively small kitchen, the Haier HRF15N3AGS compact french-door fridge is a great pick.


  • 苗条的轮廓

  • Consistent fridge temperatures


  • No through-door dispensers

  • Limited shelf adjustability

KitchenAid KRFC704FBS

TheKitchenAid KRFC704FBSfrench-door fridge is all about style. From its black stainless finish to the wood and metal trim on the interior shelves and drawers, this fridge metaphorically struts down the runway and says "Look at me!", and we're happy to say that this fridge is definitely worth a look.

Even better, it also has spot-on temperatures for food preservation, a retractable middle shelf that makes room for taller items, soft-close drawers, and a control panel above the ice/water dispenser that is easy to understand and operate. For those of you out there that have some extra cash on hand and who want something more interesting than white plastic inside your refrigerator, you'll love the KitchenAid KRFC704FBS.


  • Maintains consistent temperatures

  • Interior wood finish

  • Through-door dispensers


  • 抽屉感觉摇摇晃晃的

Bosch B36CT80SNS

Are precise temperatures worth putting up with a small freezer? If you answered, "yes," theBosch’s 800 Series B36CT80SNSmight be for you. It passed all of our tests with room to spare, maintaining cold, even temperatures in both the fridge and freezer. We also like its smart capabilities via Home Connect, crispers with customizable temperatures, and a fridge compartment with tons of storage.

The only downside? It’s freezer, though well-organized, is small—almost half as big as you’d typically see on a French-door.


  • Excellent temperature control

  • Large fridge compartment

  • Internal dispensers


  • Small freezer


TheLG LRFDC2406Sis the second LG Craft Ice-enhanced refrigerator we've tested so far and it has only solidified our obsession with spherical ice.

From a more practical standpoint, the LRFDC2406S actually outperforms its more feature-rich—and expensive—sibling, the LRMVS3006S. Its temperatures are spot on and barely waver. It also has a ton of options for customizing its storage space, including additional bins.

While the LRFDC2406S does costs more than most, its price point isn't uncommon for an appliance that offers a technology that's completely new in the product space. Just be aware that a decent chunk of its purchase price is going to its spherical ice maker, so if you aren’t particularly interested in this feature, this fridge likely isn’t a great value.


  • Spherical ice

  • 内部抽屉使用自定义临时

  • Solid temperature performance


    Frigidaire Professional PRMC2285AF

    A boxy look both outside and in marks theFrigidaire Pro PRMC2285AFas an obvious choice for industrial design-minded consumers with money to spend. Sure, it's pricey, but this counter-depth French-door refrigerator can accommodate any storage needs with customizable, expandable bins, a flip shelf, and a custom-temperature flex drawer.

    While we always appreciate organizational features like these, we especially do so here because they allow us to make the most of the PRMC2285AF’s relatively small capacity.

    When it comes to cooling, the fridge performs accurately and above average, offering steady temps—except in the freezer, which can be inconsistent. Overall, the PRMC2285AF is worth checking out if it fits your budget


    • Lots of customizable storage

    • Through-the-door dispenser

    • Flex drawer


    • Low overall storage capacity

    Electrolux EI23BC82SS

    Electrolux is an appliance company whose products tend to straddle the line between luxury and high-end, and theElectrolux EI23BC82SScounter-depth french-door fridge is no different. One feature that really sets it apart from its competitors is the additional drawer with a temperature that you can dial in, rather than having to pick from two or three preset temperature options. This added storage flexibility can be a real boon if you have no real estate left in your crisper.

    As for performance, this fridge's temperature hit its marks in the fridge, but had less success in the freezer. We noticed that the temperature swings above and below 0°F were large enough that to avoid freezer burn, we'd recommend setting the freezer temperature a couple of degrees below zero. The Electrolux EI23BC82SS is usually part of anappliance package, but it can also be purchased by itself.


    • Maintains consistent temperatures

    • Temperature-controlled drawer


    • Warm freezer temperatures

    • No through-door dispensers

    Frigidaire FGSC2335TF

    With theFrigidaire FGSC2335TF, you're getting a lot of bang for your buck. While it may look like a normal counter-depth side-by-side fridge with a smudge-proof stainless steel finish and through-door water and ice dispensing out the outside, on the inside, there are a few neat features that really add to the overall value of the fridge.

    Once you open the door, the clever design touches become apparent: there's a third cold drawer (in addition to two crispers) with adjustable temperature settings, multiple lights throughout the refrigerator, and wine/bottle holders on the bottom of the refrigerator door. While both the fridge and the freezer run a little hot, you can easily bump the temperature down on the control panel to compensate. With this pleasantly surprising feature set and low price, the Frigidaire FGSC2335TF is an easy choice to make.


    • Through-door ice and water dispensers

    • Temperature-controlled drawer

    • Bottle holders


    • Fridge temperatures can run a little warm

    Haier HRQ16N3BGS

    Haier knocks it out of the park again with theHaier HRQ16N3BGS, a unique french-door fridge with four doors. When it comes to temperature, this fridge does pretty well—the fridge can run a little warm at times, so be sure to bump down the temperature settings by a couple of degrees, but the freezer does just fine.

    As for its fun, four-door design, the top two doors open to reveal the refrigerator, and the bottom two doors are for two separate freezer compartments. The freezer only has drawers, rather than shelves, so you won't be able to fit a frozen pizza box in here, but most smaller items and prepackaged meals should be fine. Because of this freezer limitation, though, we think that the Haier HRQ16N3BGS is best for homes with smaller families and/or a very organized person who does the grocery shopping.


    • Unique four-door design

    • Counter-depth


    • Fridge temperatures can run a little warm

    • Limited freezer space


    If you want a fridge that will complement yourBosch dishwasher, look no further than the博世B36CL80SNScounter-depth french-door fridge. Because Bosch appliances have a very specific, streamlined aesthetic, there is no ice or water dispenser on the exterior of the fridge; instead, these features are located on the inside.

    While we found that the temperature in the fridge ran a bit warm, you can easily bump the temperature down a degree or two on the fridge’s control panel. Additionally, the crisper drawer maintained humidity like a champ, and will save you money by keeping your fruits and veggies edible for longer periods of time. With the extra temperature-controlled storage drawer (which has five preset temperature options, but also has temperature profiles that you can customize by interfacing with this fridge via theHome Connect app) and the extra bin in the freezer, you’ll have plenty of storage options. Not only does this fridge do a good job of preserving your food, but it looks good doing it.


    • Outstanding produce preservation

    • Adjustable temperature drawer

    • Has specialized storage spaces


    • Inconsistent freezer temperature

    • Expensive

    Samsung RF28R6301SR

    如果你经常host big parties or have a large family, you’ll really appreciate theSamsung RF28R6301SRcounter-depth french door refrigerator. This fridge’s relatively basic exterior (with a through-door water and ice dispenser and a nice stainless-steel finish) belies its well-organized interior, which is chock-full of customizable and useful storage options. With its two crispers, temperature-controlled pantry drawer, door-in-door storage, and automatically-refilled water pitcher, this fridge should be able to easily accommodate a wide variety of different foodstuffs and beverages.

    When it comes to performance, the crisper drawers don’t maintain humidity as well as we’d hoped, and running this fridge on a yearly basis is a bit costlier than your average french door fridge. However, these issues are minor in the face of this fridge’s spot-on temperature control in both the fridge and the freezer. If you need flexible, thoughtful storage options in your next refrigerator, look no further than the Samsung RF28R6301SR.


    • Great modern look

    • Decent performance

    • High-end extras


    • Expensive

    • Capacity is on the low side

    Hisense HQD20058SV

    If you need a fridge that can keep up with a lot of food-related events or parties, theHisense HQD20058SVcounter-depth french-door refrigerator is the fridge for you. With its two crisper bins, extra storage drawer, and a convertible freezer/fridge compartment, the HQD20058SV will be able to fit a lot of food and beverages without breaking a sweat. Even better, its sleek stainless four-door design is bound to be a conversation starter at parties.

    While the freezer temperatures run a bit warm, the fridge temperatures are dead on at 37°F. The crisper drawers minimize humidity loss, allowing for your fruits and veggies to stay fresh for a longer period of time. The Hisense HQD20058SV refrigerator will make your life as a host easier, and look good doing it.


    • Counter-depth

    • Multi-temperature section

    • Smooth drawers


    • Inconsistent temperatures

    KitchenAid KRFC300ESS

    While theKitchenAid KRFC300ESScounter-depth French door refrigerator looks plain on the outside, it has plenty of neat features on the inside. In addition to a deli drawer, a retractable shelf, and an interior ice maker and water dispenser, this fridge is one of the only refrigerators we've seen where a wine rack comes standard. The freezer bins are wire, rather than solid bins; be careful if you need to freeze something small—it might fall through the holes in the bin.

    During testing, we found that the fridge temperatures tended to run a little cool; we recommend that you bump the temperature up a bit from where you think it should be on the control panel, but use a refrigerator thermometer to keep an eye on the internal fridge temperature; if you bump the temperature settings too high, you run the risk of getting to the point where it's warm enough for bacteria to start growing on your food (40°F). If you need an affordable counter-depth french door fridge, the KitchenAid KRFC300ESS is a strong contender.


    • Counter-depth

    • Metal wine rack


    • Fridge runs cold on default setting

    Meet the testers

    Jonathan Chan

    Jonathan Chan

    Senior Manager of Lab Operations


    乔纳森·陈目前作为实验室经理at Reviewed. If you clean with it, it's likely that Jon oversees its testing. Since joining the Reviewed in 2012, Jon has helped launch the company's efforts in reviewing laptops, vacuums, and outdoor gear. He thinks he's a pretty big deal. In the pursuit of data, he's plunged his hands into freezing cold water, consented to be literally dragged through the mud, and watched paint dry. Jon demands you have a nice day.

    See all of Jonathan Chan's reviews
    Julia MacDougall

    Julia MacDougall

    Senior Scientist


    Julia is the Senior Scientist at Reviewed, which means that she oversees (and continually updates) the testing of products in Reviewed's core categories such as televisions, washing machines, refrigerators, and more. She also determines the testing methods and standards for Reviewed's "The Best Right Now" articles.

    See all of Julia MacDougall's reviews

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