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6 simple steps to get sparkling clean windows at home

Clear glass starts with sensible window washing

Person wearing a yellow rubber glove and using a squeegee to clean a window. Credit: Reviewed / Getty Images / Milan Krasula

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What stands between you and that mythically sparkly, vitamin D drenched living room? Only a squeegee and scrubber,cleaning solution, and a few panes of speckled, dirty glass.

Clean windows provide unimpeded sun exposure, which gives our plants the sun they need to grow and give us the vitamins we need to feel enriched. Cleaning windows can also remove harmful dust and dirt that could otherwise cause allergies.

While that bout of window washing you’ve been planning might be daunting to start, with the right strategy and steps it’s more than achievable. Here’s how to clean windows at home.

Materials needed

A scrubber brush, squeegee, and pack of microfiber cloths on a mint green background.
Credit: Reviewed / Amazon Basics / OCO / Ettore

A scrubber brush, squeegee, and pack of microfiber cloths are some of the necessary supplies you need to clean your windows.


Most pros use a squeegee to clean windows. If you have lots of windows, then a good squeegee like theOXO Good Gripsis worth it.$18 at Amazon


A scrubber like theEttore 50010is the second thing you’ll need. However, agood non-scratch spongewill also do the job swimmingly.

$18 at Amazon

Microfiber cloths

We recommend a solid pack of microfiber cloths like theAmazon Basics 24-pack.

A multi-pack is usually the best bet, as you’ll need one rag to wipe your squeegee with, one to clean the sill, and another to dry the window once you’re done. You could also use a fourth rag as an alternative to a scrubber for applying cleaning solution.

$12 at Amazon

Glass cleaner and other cleaning products

Dawn Ultrais our favoritedish soapfor cleaning windows, add a few squirts to a bucket of warm water for a perfect solution.

When it comes to how to clean windows, a good glass cleaner can go a long way. At Reviewed we’vetested a lot of glass cleaners. We recommend thenontoxic and ammonia-free Biokleen, which works in all types of settings without streaking.

$7 at Amazon

$15 at Amazon

Towels and paper towels

We recommend having atowel,就像Pinzon towels, on hand for all parts of the window cleaning job. The towel can help protect the window sill and other areas from getting wet during the cleaning process. These affordable bath towel are absorbent enough for the job, but not so pricey as to be a liability if it should get dirty.

$20 at Amazon

When is the best time to wash windows?

We recommend washing your windows once or twice per year, or on an as-needed basis. Interior window glass may need more frequent cleaning due to smudges and other gunk that can accumulate, whereas the exterior only needs a deep cleaning once or twice a year to remove dirt and other build up.

如果你有双挂窗户,这是常见的in many homes, you can clean both the inside and outside of your windows from the inside of your home. To avoid dripping, we recommend cleaning the top panes first, and then moving to the bottom.

Save window washing for a day where the sun isn’t shining directly into your window. Best case, wash your windows on a cloudy or overcast day during the spring and/or early fall when the weather is not too hot or cold, and there's no rain or snow in the forecast. However, avoid picking a sunny day, as you risk drying your solution too quickly and leaving streaks.

When you’re ready to start, mix a few squirts of dish soap into a bucket of warm water.

How to clean windows on the inside of your home

Step 1: Drape a towel on the windowsill

Person with rubber gloves and apron using spray bottle and microfiber towel to clean windows.
Credit: Reviewed / Getty Images / chanakon laorob

It's best to use a cleaning spray and microfiber cloth when cleaning windows.

Prep the windows for washing by draping a towel along the lower windowsill, this can be clamped into place using the window’s frame. This will protect the space below the window from dripping water.

Step 2: Remove dust from the window frame

First use a microfiber cloth to wipe down the window’s frame. Try to get any dust or dirt off the frame at this step.

Step 3: Lather the window with your scrubber

Use your window scrubber or sponge. Dunk this in your solution and then spread it across the glass, coating the windowpane in its entirety.

别淋玻璃,但麦e sure to give it a lathered wash.

Step 4: Cut in the top of the pane

Once you’ve made this first pass with a scrubber, take a clean rag and run it along the top frame, creating a clean and dry edge. This ensures that built up water won’t run down the glass pane after you’ve passed by with your squeegee.

Step 5: Squeegee the window

Then, use your squeegee, starting from this dry line, and dropping it in long steady strokes that move top to bottom. After each stroke, wipe your squeegee with a clean rag to remove any water.

If you squeegee horizontally, it’s helpful to hold the tool with a dry rag at its bottom to catch any fluid that might run down. Just make sure that it doesn’t drag on the glass while you swipe.

Step 6: Dry with a clean cloth

Finally, use a clean and dry microfiber towel to remove any residual moisture or water spots. It’s a good idea to keep this towel clear of your work at all other steps to ensure it stays dry and lint free.

Use this to detail the window. Check the top corners of the pane to make sure no water has beaded there and detail any potential streaking.

How to clean windows from the outside

When you start in on washing exterior windows you may feel tempted to bring out thegarden hosefor some heavy-duty blasting.

While it will work to blast your windows, scrub with soap, and finish with a squeegee and rag, it will work just as well to reapply the same method used inside.

Hard or crusted stains like bird droppings or mud can be worked at with your scrubber or the back of your sponge. If these are especially persistent it’s often a good idea to saturate them and let them sit for a while before you start on the task.

Apressure washercan also do wonders at getting rid of crusty deposits, but can break a window if used improperly, especially older, more fragile windows. Our advice? Do not use a pressure washer unless you understand how to do so safely.

How to clean window screens

If possible, we recommend removing window screens and propping them against a wall or chair. Use your hose or pressure washer to give them a good rinse off.

Apply your cleaning solution liberally and give the screens another rinse with the hose and let them air dry in the sun.

Should you use a razor blade to clean your windows?

You may have heard that pro window washers use razor blades to clean glass, but we don’t recommend using a razor blade for window cleaning.

A razor blade has its benefits for removing paint or sap, however for the untrained it’s simply too risky. Secondarily, razor blades are never appropriate for the finishes on many common, treated windows and can cause damage.

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